Jura X8

The Jura X8 expertly prepares a full range of coffee classics from ristretto and espresso to coffee specialities enhanced with mild and milk foam. This coffee machine is the ideal solution for locations where approximately 80 speciality coffees are consumed per day.

  • FoamMaster™
  • Getränke in Barista-Qualität
  • TÜV-zertifizierte Hygienegarantie
  • Kaffee & Heissgetränke
  • Kaffeemaschinen für das Büro
  • Selbstbedienung
  • Für Tischoberflächen
  • In geschlossenen Räumen
  • Bean-to-Cup-Kaffee
  • Espresso
  • Kaffeespezialitäten
  • Kakao
  • Heisses Wasser
  • Frische Milch
Technische Spezifikationen

The versatility of the X8 is impressive: It masters the entire spectrum of coffee specialties enhanced with milk and milk foam, the full range of black coffee specialties, and the classic pot coffee. In addition, it has different temperature settings for hot water, which tea lovers will particularly appreciate. With its solid, height-adjustable combination spout, either one or two coffee specialties can be poured into the cups or glasses at the touch of a button. The practical cup positioning aid makes it ideal for self-service. The same applies to the large, clearly assigned preparation buttons. Tailored to specific needs, coffee specialties can be shifted in their position on the display as desired.

Key features

Sleek design
Pulse Extraction Process


Customisable drinks
Optional payment systems
Easy cleaning
Great value

470 mm
373 mm
461 mm

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